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Listicles National Book Month 2021

October 2nd, 2021

​5 Top American Authors​Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)Twain was most famous for "Tom Sawyer" and "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," which has been called "the Great American Novel."​Ernest Hemingway (1899 – 1961)​Hemingway's classics include "The Sun Also Rises," "A Farewell to Arms," "For Whom the Bell Tolls," and "The Old Man and the Sea Read More...

Listicles Mountain Day 2021

August 11th, 2021

Coming out, all the way out, is offered more and more as the political solution to our oppression.Jane Rule3 Reasons Why Japan's Mt. Fuji Captures Our ImaginationIt's more than a mountain — it's a volcanoIn fact, Mt. Fuji consists of three active, separate volcanoes: Komitake at the base, Kofuji dominating the middle and Fuji at its peak Read More...

FAQs National Find a Rainbow Day April 3, 2021

April 4th, 2021

National Find a Rainbow Day FAQsWhat Are Rainbows Made Out Of? When water droplets in the air come in contact with the light from the sun, the reflection of light is refracted in the water droplet and shows the color spectrum we know as the rainbow.How Do You Find a Rainbow? It doesn’t matter what area you’re in as long as there is sunlight and a slight mist in the air you should be able to see a rainbow Read More...

FAQs World Party Day April 3, 2021

April 3rd, 2021

World Party Day FAQs When was World Party Day first celebrated? After the publication of Bonta’s novel, World Party Day was officially introduced in 1996.Is there another name for World Party Day? As a matter of fact, there is. World Party Day is also known as P-Day. Feel free to refer to it by either name Read More...

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